Xolido Newsletter (December 4, 2018). Do you want to know us more?

Boletín Xolido  





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About Xolido y Why Xolido.


XolidoSign Gateway Migration Service

Soon we will proceed to migrate the XolidoSign Gateway platforms of all our customers to a new IT infrastructure to improve the stability, performance and security of the service.

After the migration you can also enjoy new features that improve the usability of XolidoSign Gateway.

XolidoSign Gateway

New administration area

XolidoSign Gateway releases new Administration area. More intuitive, modern, operative and agile.

Alerts. You can configure your own consumption limits so that the system notifies you by email if the thresholds defined for space and operations are exceeded.

Administrators. Registration and setup of the service administrators and management of their permissions.

Signing certificates. Management of certificates to perform unattended signature processes. Both for certificates in the server and in HSM (Hardware Security Module). Check with us this last possibility for activation.

SOAP services. Register and setup your SOAP services. Modify passwords, activate / deactivate time stamp. Configure policies of signature and evidential symmetry: LTV signatures, embed biometric signature in PDF, only admit certificates of 'No repudiation', ...

In addition, you can configure access restrictions for IP to web services because, in the field of cybersecurity, control of access to computer systems is of vital importance, especially when the information handled is sensitive and of high value.

Timestamp server. Configure your custom time stamping server for each SOAP service and enter your access credentials with the possibility of preemptive authentication.

Tickets, system logs, signature logs, statistics, manuals.

Find out these and other features in the new Administration Zone.

Other improvements

- New layers of encryption integrated into the service. Your data always protected.

- Parallelization of batch signature processes.

- Optimization of signature times.

- XAdES Signature.

- Signature of invoices in FacturaE format of Spain and electronic invoice of Colombia.

- Changes in the signature interface to improve usability.

Maximum signature guarantees

Use Signature with electronic certificate + Handwritten signature (biometric).

Innovative solution of the XolidoSign Technology that achieves better legal scope, by joining both signatures in a single signature process.


12ENISE consolidates XolidoSign brand as a leader in electronic or digital signatures and electronic notifications.

During the talk featured at 12ENISE by the General Director of Xolido, Luis Carlos Ganso, under the title: "The 'I' and the 'I ACCEPT'. Digital Identity and Electronic Evidence", highlighted important advances implemented in the XolidoSign Technology, such as the fusion in a single signature process, the signature with electronic certificate and handwritten signature (biometric), to achieve a better legal scope.

Special emphasis was also placed on the implementation of evidential symmetry policies, which allows all parties to have the same information, which avoids a dominant party and gives more security to the weaker party.

For more information about the participation of Xolido in 12ENISE, you can download the Press Release - 12ENISE Balance y solución innovadora de firma.

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