Information Pill (July 2022) - Multiple Document Notifications in XolidoSign

Notifications of multiple documents

Need to notify multiple documents to one or more recipients?



XolidoSign allows you to "Notify" one or several documents to one or multiple recipients.

The ease of use of this option will make your day-to-day work easier, simplifying the sending process and with the possibility of tracking the notification sent to each recipient.

The electronic evidence reports will collect all the traceability of the notification, from the documents sent, the sender, the recipient(s), date sent, date of access to the notification, IP from which the recipient has accessed, form of authentication to access it, including the certificate with which the recipient has been authenticated, how the notification was sent, etc.



Examples of use of "Notifications


How to make a notification

  1. Click on the "Notify" menu.
  2. Select from the list the documents to be notified or upload the file.
  3. Recipients. Add and fill in the data of the addressees.
  4. Information. Content of the notification. Indicate the subject and message of the notification.
  5. "Send".


Operation of "Notify"



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