Used XolidoSign to sign, timestamp and verify: electronic invoices, contracts, notices, authorship of intellectual property, records, budgets ... The application is designed for all types of users: engineers, architects, officials, lawyers, attorneys, archivists, freelancers, doctors, students, teachers, journalists, designers, photographers, writers ...
XolidoSign Desktop
The easiest, simplest and reliable tool for
signing, verifying and time-stamping documents and files on your computer
electronic receipts
dossiers and records
intellectual property rights
Examples of the use of electronic signature,
verification and time-stamp
- Mateo
ReportsOn a private clinic, Doctor Mateo is going to send by e-mail to Fermin his medical history and the results of the tests made. With the immediacy of the e-mail and the guarantee of the authenticity of the electronic signature. - Gregorio
PicturesGregorio, photographer, is going to send to Eustaquio some signed pictures for being publish on a newspaper guaranteeing that way the intellectual property rights. - Lourdes
Magistral preparationLourdes, pharmacist, sends to Adolfo, a pharmaceutical laboratory staff, the formula for a recipe to be prepared, guaranteeing all the time the security of the process. - Segismunda
ProjectSegismunda, engineer, sends to Pablito, technical engineer, the production line project signed electronically to elaborate the budget. - Alfredo
DocumentsAlfredo sends documentation to the Courts and clients without the need of moving out of the office. - Paula
Digitized filesPaula, the archivist uses XolidoSign to sign documents of the archive that have been digitalised and stored. - Borja
RecipesBorja, cook, uploads all his recipes signed with XolidoSign to his website! - Pablo
DesignsPablo, designer, sends his works electronically signed to Laura, one of his clients. - Laura
ManuscriptLaura, writer, has send her last book signed with XolidoSign to her editor ready for being published. - Eufronio
Music scoreEufronio, musician, has signed his piano score before being sent to the SGAE for being registered.
- Juan
RentalJuan has rented a car and he has decided to take some pictures of it to confirm the conditions of the car. Later, he time-stamps the pictures to certify how was the vehicle when he rented it. - Carmen
RentalCarmen has rented a house and she decides to take pictures of the conditions of the house, time-stamping them to certify how the house was when she rented it. - Ciudadano
Insurance CompanyIf you have had a home breakdown, take some pictures of the faults to leave graphic evidence and claim their repair. But for this, once you have the pictures you have to time-stamp them to proof the breakdown.
- Mateo
InformationAlfredo, a lawyer, the court has sent an appeal signed. From the courthouse, verify that documents have not been altered and proceed to use as those presented in person. - Borja
ChefBorja, Chef, sends to the editor his recipes signed electronically to be published on his website. The editor verifies the file with XolidoSign. - Paula
ArchivistPaula has drawn a record signed file electronically. Before working with the file, is checked XolidoSign, getting a verification report we certify that the files have remained unchanged or. - Paul
EngineerPaul, technical engineer, has received a production line project signed electronically to elaborate the budget. Before starting, he checks with XolidoSign the validity of the signature and time-stamp of the document received. - Laura
WriteraLaura, a writer, has sent her literary piece electronically signed to the editor. Once he receives it, the publisher verifies the files with XolidoSign. - Manuel
MusicianManuel, a musician by profession, has sent the SGAE signed a score to be recorded. The SGAE shall check the authorship of the files with intelligent verification. - Lourdes
PharmaceuticalLourdes, pharmacist, has sent to the pharmaceutical laboratory staff the formula for a recipe to be produced. Once it is received, he verifies that the content of the files has not been modified in order to prepare the recipe. - Gregorio
Photographer Gregorio, professional photographer, sends to Eustaquio the photos electronically signed for their publication on a newspaper. Before publishing them, the editor verifies the authorship of the photos. - Mateo
DoctorDoctor Mateo has sent to his patient the medical history and the results of the tests electronically signed. The patient receives them and immediately verifies the file with XolidoSign. - Pablo
DesignerPaul, designer, and send tasks digitally signed Laura, one of its customers. Laura when receiving files only have to check them to verify they are correct.