XolidoSign Desktop

Recognized time-stamp

To leave proof of the existence of a file on a specific moment of time

Use it as an electronic time-notary, it is the perfect mate for the signature!

Recognized timestamp - To place on record the existence of a file at a given date and hour

What is the time-stamp?

It is a tool to ensure that a set of data existed on a specific moment of time.
It is a tool to ensure that a set of data existed on a specific moment of time

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For what can you use the XolidoSign Desktop time-stamp?

01. Sign with time-stamp
Sign with time-stamp

Who signed a document and when this document was signed

"The perfect mate for the signature"

02. Time-stamp (external)
Timestamp (external)

Leave proof of the existence of a document on a specific moment of time

"Use it as
an electronic time-notary"

Recognized time-stamp with XolidoSign Desktop