XolidoSign Gateway

Online signature gateway for integration into your applications and systems

Implementation of expensive electronic signature processes with long developments is replaced by our easy and fast integration signature gateway.

1.390 / year
(subscription and yearly billing)
Taxes not included.

XolidoSign Gateway - Online signature gateway for integration into your applications and systems

Why XolidoSign Gateway?

A secure web service to sign documents online that allows to be easily
integrated with your systems or applications

Automated register

Automatic configuration of signature operation parameters.

Secure signature

Allows users to sign one or more documents at a time, completely secure.

XolidoSign Gateway - Online signature gateway for integration into your applications and systems


Notification to the origin system after the end of the process.

API Web Services

Automated processes through API Web Services.

What does it offer you?

Electronic or digital signature:

  • Handwritten signature (biometric) + signature with certificate..
  • Handwritten signature with timestamp (biometric) without certificate.
  • Signature with an digital certificate.
  • OTP signature (PIN to mobile)

Time-stamp provided by a recognised TSA.


  • Spanish, English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan and Polish.

Annual operations of electronic or digital signature: 10.000.

Space: 5 GB.

Space for performing encrypted backup disaster recovery: 5 GB.

Monthly transfer: 10 GB.

API Web Services for the integration with your own or third party applications.

Integrators SOAP manual.

Free updates.

Technical support: Included.

This service is provided with a subdomain such as: https://yourorganization-services.xolidosign.com.

1Taxes not included.
Other plans to consult.
Subscription and yearly billing.
2It does not include costs related to obtaining, issuing or renewing electronic certificates of any kind.

Server unattended signature with your electronic certificates available

In addition to use electronic certificate from your computer or from a secure signature creation device, you can also use XolidoSign Gateway to perform unattended signature on your server with your own software electronic certificates.2


With XolidoSign range, updates will be free!